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WOW GOLD Resto Has Some Glaring Problems
For moonkins, this is not the case, so they can play the support role much better and then continue to do damage about wow gold. They also have a knockback, which is incredibly useful when it comes to interrupting casts or knocking opponents off of ledges. When/if you land it, you have a good chance of proccing owlkin frenzy, which gives moonkins a 15% chance when hit, to increase damage by 10% as well as full pushback immunity about wow gold.
Resto has some glaring problems that need to be addressed if they are ever to be considered over one of the other three healing classes. With possible changes to plague strike removing hots, the spec would definitely be more viable about wow gold.On top of that, they have two trees they can do damage with, and if one is interrupted you can use the other. These are really the basics, but you get the idea. Resto seems to be a spec that has over gone a complete flip in terms of effectiveness and popularity as compared to pre-WotLK. How do you feel about the spec?
Nevertheless, there is a big problem with efficiency. Tree form is usually necessary in 3s atm, however in order to CC you need to drop form, and switching between the two constantly is a huge strain on mana pool to get WoW Gold. I am not saying that druids should be able to cast all of their caster-based spells in tree form; I am just saying that something needs to be done about that. Whether it is allowing cyclone/roots to be cast in tree form with an increased mana cost, or giving tree form some sort of shapeshifter buff like they used to have in vanilla wow where if they shifted out of a form, if they shifted to another form in 6 seconds, it would cost some % less mana.

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